Bird & Birdcage Jewellery Charms

Jewellery charms made of wire and beads. Find full detail on how to make them on Cuddly Buddly together with more projects, or keep reading below! Happy crafting! Wire, beads, charms and a little effort and your jewelleries are ready to wear! Decorate your charms with beads and create a unique piece that suits your […]

Metalwork daisies necklace

A necklace made of metallic daisies, pearls and wire exclusively crafted for Cuddly Buddly May’s project and challange . You can find more information here. Full details on how to make the necklace can be found here, too. Here is what you will need: Hobby & Crafting Fun Head Pins – 32mm Platinum Hobby & […]

Wooden box – Diamonds and pearls

A medium size wooden box decorated with pearls and diamonds is perfect as a gift for jewelries or small items. This is project for monthly craft challange at Cuddly Buddly. What you will need: medium size wooden box acrylic paint (white / pearl and black) silver embossing powder Viva Decor My Paper World Silicone Stamps […]