An easy way to make a beaded pendant is by “sewing” beads on the sieve of the Hobby and Crafting Fun open pendant hanger. Choose one colour shades or match various colours beads.


Find all the materials and more inspiration in Buddly Crafts





  • Pliers
  • Needle


Remove the back of the sieve. Cut a 20cm long of the jewellery thread and tie one end to a hole of the sieve ring. You can cut the thread again and repeat the process, as having long pieces of threads will take more time to pass and sew the beads.


Pass a couple of beads and sew on the sieve ring to any direction. Repeat by altering colours of the beads.


When you reach covering about ⅔ of it, use only the silver rocailles beads to cover the rest.



Attach the back on the sieve, cut a 20cm long piece of the chain and add lobster lock.


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